It blew old boots for the final day racing with strong winds from the SW around 25-30 knots. The famous Solent short chop played its part during a day of capsizes and exhilerating sailing.

The first race, we got off to a good early start through the gate, with Stuart Hudsun and Chrstian Guy to leward of us. With a strong tide running left to right this feels like the right place to be. But very quickly we find ourselves sagging badly off to leward. We are sailing sideways and slower than the boats around us. Within a few minutes it has cost us more than 50 yards on Stuart and Christian who are able to tack and begin crossing boats to the right. We are dead. Arrving at the windward mark well down the fleet, we bare away onto a chaotic reach. Getting any sense of control downwind was like trying to tame a wild beast - Kong is rabid.
The second race goes in a similar fashion, ending the series with a 27th and 23rd.
When we get ashore, a quick check over the boat reveals the cause of Kong's rabies. The painted surface of the centreboard has spent the day peeling off in sheets,like a huge brake causing horrible drag upwind and wreaking havoc downwind.
The Museum Crew get the last laugh here because they will remember baiting me for my search for more kong-speed during the lunchtime hours I spent applying this finish. Oh the irony!
How we managed to remain upright I really don't know - thanks Liz for your manic efforts to keep us flat.
Despite the bad timing and the disssapointment we feel much better knowing the cause.
Our final two results drop our position from 8th to 15th, but all in all we are stoked with the series and we have reachhed our target to finish in the top 15 - just. Phew!
We were not the only ones to have a less than perfect day. Some boats broke kit and many capsized, including Ben and Jenny Vines who had a real chance to win the series but ended 7th after swimming in each race.
That's the Championships! Stuart Hudson sailed a brilliant final day to finish 3rd overall, Steavie Greaves sailed a very consistent series to go into the final race in 1st place, but was match-raced off the start line by his closest rival Nigel Wakefield who went on to win the series with a 2nd in the final race. The overall results can be seen by clicking the link on the right.
Next year the Nationals will be held at Tenby from 14th August.
Thanks very much for following the blog and leaving your comments. The winner of the brand-new used sponge is Museum Crew with their particularly in-joke caption "Where is Graham when you need him?".
Cheers, Ben